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NWCS Families,

We will have two different forms of live streaming this year.

For home games of outside sports, our broadcasting team will do their best to cover outside sports played at NWC.  In the fall, this would be girl's soccer, in the spring, this would be baseball, softball, and boy's soccer.  The YOUTUBE link where you can find these games are:   NWC BROADCASTING LINK.

Many of the sites we play at for football, have the NFHS network.  That information is explained below.

For inside sports...
NWC is now part of the NFHS Network and has NFHS network cameras in both gyms.  At home games, this will cover basketball, volleyball, and wrestling.

  • Many schools also have NFHS cameras for away games.
  • There are monthly and yearly options through the NFHS Network that families can purchase.
  • In time, the goal is to get more cameras for outside sports, but this will depend on the new arrangement of tech classes.