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School Attendance Policy Gameday & Practice Eligibility:

Students must be at school all day to participate in practices and games unless they have an excused appointment 

such as a doctor, dentist, physical therapy, counseling, or a pre-approved situation by the A.D.  Exceptions to this policy

can only be made by the A.D, Principal, or Head of School.  Please call the A.D. to get approval if there is a situation

that you feel could be excused.  Athletes will not be able to miss more than ½ of their scheduled classes for any

excused appointment to practice or play in a game.

To participate in a Saturday competition, athletes must be at school on Friday. 

An exception would be sickness, but parents must communicate with athletic office and coach.

For teams arriving back extremely late from an away game, an excused late arrival could be

permitted the next day, but this decision can only be made by the A.D., principal, or HOS.


Students may participate on a non-school team or teams in a non-school instruction program

while also participating on a school team as long as the following guidelines are followed:

1.  Schools may not give students special treatment or privileges on a regular basis to enable

them to participate in non-school activities.  Some examples of special treatment or privileges 

include reduced practice times, special workouts, late arrivals, early dismissals, or missing a

practice or contest.  Regular is defined as being no more than once per week.

2.  Schools may allow once during the season, a student to miss school practices or games

for two (2) consecutive days in order to participate on a non-school team or teams.